Carlacarioca - Travesti Escort in Kensington, United Kingdom

Kensington, United Kingdom
Dernière fois en ligne: 8 hours ago
ma position
Accueil Kensington, United Kingdom
GPS Kensington, United Kingdom
Distance N/A
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Mes statistiques
Je Suis Travesti
Âge 26
Origine ethnique Latin
Corps Athlétique
Position Auto-reverse/Actif
Taille 5'7" - 167 cm
Poids 115lbs - 52 kg
Cheveux Noirs
Couleur des yeux Marrons
Seins Petits
Taille du Pénis 8 In - 20cm
Fesses Rebondies /fesses bien rondes/
Disponible pour Tous
Circumcised No
Tattoos Yes
Piercings Yes
Smoking Yes
Thickness Thick
Health Status
HIV Status Negative, on PrEP
Chez moi 200
Chez toi 300
Pour la nuit 1200
escorte ts à Kensington, United Kingdom
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Le blog de Carlacarioca

  • Carlacarioca


    Publié par Carlacarioca

    Having so much fun in Dubai!

  • Carlacarioca


    Publié par Carlacarioca

    I love Manchester!
    One week here and still a lot to come... thanks to all my babies that came to see me!
    Lots of love

  • Carlacarioca

    Adventure in Asia!

    Publié par Carlacarioca

    Hi Guys, I just had an amazing time in Asia ( Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong )
    Now counting days to be back in UK ( Manchester ) at least one month since 12th April!
    I can’t wait to meet you all

    Follow me on Snapchat ( Bruna_btv ) or instagram ( )



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